CoQ10 has been studied for over 40 years and the results are consistently spectacular. Daily use of CoQ10 may be one of the most effective things a person can do to protect heart, brain, and all the body’s cells from the effects of aging and toxins in the diet and environment.
Lester Packer, Ph.D., University of Southern California, refers to CoQ10 as the cellular spark plug. This antioxidant triggers our cells to produce energy, causing the mitochondria within the cell to release adenosine triphosphate, the fuel for all cell activity. When cells fall short of CoQ10, they become sluggish and unhealthy.
Shortages of CoQ10 are more of an issue as we age. Taking statins further reduce the cell’s CoQ10. Muscle pain and weakness are some of the possible results of a lack of CoQ10, as every cell and system is distressed by this shortage.
The brain is especially compromised by the deficit. Noticeable problems are memory decline and learning disabilities. The brain may also become more vulnerable to neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Safety and Dosages:
CoQ10 is considered to be very safe. Reports of mild GI symptoms are reported in less than one percent of users. Pregnant and lactating women are advised not to take CoQ10, not because of any reported symptoms, but due to the lack of evidence of safety for the fetus or baby. Some research may have shown CoQ10 can lower anticoagulant effects of coumadin. Coumadin can be monitored and adjusted if this is an issue.
Different forms of CoQ10 have very different levels of effectiveness. The more absorbable CoQ10 is also more expensive to buy, but it is much more efficient. Taking CoQ10 with meals or a little fat such as olive oil or peanut butter increases its absorption.
Dosages range from 10 mg per day for preventative use to as much as 400 mg per day for people fighting cancer. An average person would benefit from 100 mg per day.
Availability and Reviews:
The company Vitaline has been involved in many studies of its CoQ10. Absorption is key, and Vitaline’s product seems superior to many others on the market. I recommend reading about this supplement on their website, at www.vitalineformulas.com. This will inform you as to how to evaluate the different forms of CoQ10 whether you are buying online or at your local stores. I tested Vitaline’s chewable CoQ10 and found it to be excellent. Another product I have used is Jarrow’s capsule CoQ10. Because I have had cancer, I prefer the 100 mg capsules. I take one to three of these daily.
For more information on the research conducted on coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, I recommend looking at the Life Extension website under “Abstracts.” While the US medical establishment remains slow to embrace these scientific findings, other countries including Japan do not hesitate to recommend CoQ10 as a safe, effective, and important form of cellular support.
Be well,
Suzanna Stinnett
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