Monday, January 31, 2011


Your brain is at risk from its own powerful chemicals. Cortisol is produced in the presence of stress -- almost any stress -- and is the culprit of short-term and long-term memory impairment. Habitual fear and habitual confusion are two of the most powerful brain-cell killers. Consider how you go through your day, your week, your life -- can you benefit from reducing stress, just a little bit?

Today's blog is a little reminder to try some stress-reducing techniques. Remember, little changes make all the big changes happen. Be your own guide, and lovingly point your compass toward calm waters a couple of times today.

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., wrote the book "Brain Longevity." His work continues to inform us deeply of the needs of the brain through aging. The following suggestions come from Dr. Khalsa:

"Successful stress management involves reducing depression, improving your ability to deal with stressful situations, and, most of all, utilizing techniques that elicit the relaxation response—a condition characterized by a lowered metabolic rate and a calm state of mind. Stress-relaxation techniques are a crucial component in creating a healthier brain, according to a large body of medical research."

The following approaches have been scientifically proven to lower cortisol levels by prompting the relaxation response:

Meditation. Meditation stops your brain from speeding forward, causing longer spaces between thoughts, and it enables you to connect with your inner spirit. According to many research studies over three decades, this simple technique can increase your ability to perform, help lower your heart rate, reduce anxiety, soften chronic pain, and increase longevity. There are four general requirements for the most basic form of meditation: a comfortable sitting position, a quiet environment, a "mental device" such as a word, sound or short prayer upon which to concentrate, and a focused attitude.

Guided Imagery and Visualization. Guided imagery is usually done with the use of a tape and, therefore, utilizes outside suggestions, such as, "See yourself on a beach or other beautiful spot." Visualization is a technique in which people create their own inner scene without the aid of outside stimulation to spark the relaxation response.

Hypnosis. Hypnosis can be self-induced or induced by a therapist trained in this technique. Both self-hypnosis and regular hypnosis produce the desired results. For example, Eriksonian hypnosis, initially developed by psychologist Milton Erikson, is powerfully effective in benefiting physical and mental health over the long term. This type of hypnosis uses a prearranged script that is customized to the individual by a trained therapist.

Deep Breathing. Deep breathing is a classical way to bring balance back into your life. As your breathing deepens, the relaxation response forms and your respiration rate slows. Yogic long deep breathing and Zen breathing are both very effective. In yogic breathing, first the diaphragm expands; then each portion of the lungs, from the bottom to the top, fills with oxygen. A mantra or healing sound may be utilized with yogic breathing, while in Zen breathing, the participant usually focuses on their breath. In both of these techniques, the breathing is usually done through the nose.

Classical Music. Your ears are intimately connected to your brain because your auditory nerve is a major component of the central nervous system. Once the messages from the nerve reach the central nervous system, they are distributed throughout the brain. Therefore, hearing loud aggressive music may produce belligerent behavior. By contrast, listening to classical music, with its rich textures and harmonious orchestrations, produces more pleasant conduct.

Massage. The largest body of research on the effects of massage therapy was performed on seriously ill premature infants. The study, conducted at the University of Miami School of Medicine, observed newborn babies in a neonatal intensive care unit, with all its attendant monitoring equipment. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, were markedly elevated in these infants, and this correlated with a poor medical outcome. When touch therapy by a nurse or preferably by the infant's mother was introduced into the baby's care, their bad hormones went down, their good chemicals went up, and the children healed. This research has also been carried out in adults with a similar biochemical picture.

Prayer. Surveys indicate that close to 95 percent of Americans, representing multiple religions and spiritual practices, pray. Prayer manifests its benefits in many ways: a reduction of stress chemicals; improved health behaviors, such as not smoking; and enhanced spirituality, defined as a person's search for the sacred. Spiritual living is linked to better medical outcomes when treatment is necessary, as well as less depression and longevity. While all forms of prayer are good stress management tools, short prayers that are chanted, sung or repeated appear to be the most useful.

Note: It is not necessary to lock yourself in to any of these stress-relaxation techniques. Rather, feel free to explore any or all of them to see what works best for you. Simply start with any of these techniques for a few minutes a day and enjoy better brain function.

Have a peaceful day,
Suzanna Stinnett

Monday, January 17, 2011

2011 - The Year of the Brain - The Global Brain!

2011 The Year of the Brain
The Global Brain!
Even people who are not spending time every day taking in information from the web are subject to the growing intelligence of the global brain. There's really no way around that.

But it's a good thing. We're learning to manage information flows by using tools more efficiently, and especially by filtering. Filters can be automated, like friendly robots guarding us from overwhelm. They can also be people - bloggers, for example. People do the best job of "curating," or bringing information to their audience through reliable, consistent filters called "personality."

You'll see some of my curations showing up on Kindle this year. One of them is called The Brain Whisperers. More on that soon!

Best wishes for your most outrageous success.
Suzanna Stinnett
Kindle Publisher & Content Specialist
Bay Area Bloggers Society
#Kindlechat happens on Twitter Fridays 12-1pm PST
Find me on Twitter: @Brainmaker

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Alzheimer's Disease - Or is it Diabetes?

Alzheimer's Disease -- or is it diabetes?

Researchers at Northwestern University have published their findings regarding an important correlation between the brain’s use of insulin – and forms of resistance to insulin – and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Insulin is a hormone which the brain uses to anchor new memories. When certain toxic proteins (which are known to pile up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s) bind to the neurons at the synapse, they take up the “parking spaces” which the neurons are holding open for insulin. The insulin which should be entering those parking spaces, or receptors, can be thought of as the little wagon which brings in the memory. Insulin is thwarted where it is supposed to be doing its job. This is a form of insulin resistance. The correlation is so strong that the authors of this research are calling it “Type 3 diabetes.”

Professionals working with later stage Alzheimer’s patients have found that a big dose of sugar, while certainly not part of a recommended diet, can often give the patient a window of cognition. I wonder if that sugar dose is triggering the body to release more insulin. If so, could the brain is then use it to provide some synaptic snap?

The various researchers working to uncover more of the mysteries of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease are not in agreement about how important a role is played by the production of insulin in the brain. However, the conversation is stimulating some very promising new areas of research.

You can read more about the recently published paper here, and more about the discovery that the brain produces insulin here.